Breaking: How A Spy Bent Prison Jail Bars And Ripped Open His Heavy Shackles Using This 1 Forgotten Strength Technique…
Discover The Shackle-Shattering Secret Which Takes Only 8-Seconds That’s Proven To Explode Your Muscle And Strength Gains From The Very First Workout…
Dear Reader,
Would you take muscle-building advice from an escaped convict?
Sounds like a silly question doesn’t it?
Well, don’t make up your mind too quickly. Because I’ve got a story to tell you that sounds like something out of Hollywood’s greatest escape films that can increase muscle size and strength in 8-seconds flat…
And it has nothing to do with lifting heavy weights, getting “a pump”, or following boring fitness advice on most bodybuilding websites…

The 8-second Shackle Shattering Secret That Explodes Your Muscle & Strength Gains Is Found On This Very Page!
In fact, most guys know nothing of what I’m about to show you. Yet in minutes from now…
You’ll Discover The Muscle Building Edge Men Of All Ages Would Kill For… Especially If You’re Over 30.

This is me as a father of 5. However, I wasn’t always muscular. Actually, it was the complete opposite…
First, let me introduce myself…
Hi my name is Alby Gonzalez and no I’m not the convict mentioned at the beginning of this letter. However, I’ve used his uncommon methods to pack on more size and FASTER than I did in my twenties while spending less time in the gym…
Yet, it wasn’t long ago I was just a proud father of five trapped in a “skinny-fat” body I hated…
With bubbles of fat under my chest, extra belly pudge, and feeling the weakest I’ve been in my life…
You see, I was an active guy growing up. I played sports, lifted weights. Yet when my twins were born, my priorities changed. And my focus shifted from “all about me”… to all about my family.
Like most men, that’s when my body unraveled. Maybe you’ve been there?
Or maybe you’re single and simply don’t have time to spend hours in the gym. And just feel unhappy with the body you have. Regardless…
I’m sure you’ve been told, “you just need to workout more.” Or “you’re not exercising hard enough…”
When none of these answers will help you build a ripped and strong body you can be proud of…
In fact, these cliche phrases are the biggest form of manipulation used by “fitness gurus” to make men like you feel like it’s YOUR fault when you’re not seeing the results they promised..
And in a second I’ll show you the little-known “swept under the rug” secret most fitness magazines never talk about…
That’s used by world champion Strongman competitors, prize-winning UFC cage fighters, even bodybuilders…
That will slice your gym time in half…
While giving you jaw-dropping muscle gains you thought were only possible as a testosterone-pumping teenager…
Listen. I know what it’s like to work, pay the bills, spend time with your family and repeat… until one day you look in the mirror and wonder, “what the heck happened to me?”
Which is why I want you to read every word on this page…

You’ll Discover The Little-known Muscle Secret Used By UFC Fighters, Powerlifters, and Bodybuilders That Will Slice Your Gym-Time In Half!
Because you’ll see just how easy it is to pack on slabs of strength and muscle WITHOUT spending hours at the gym, sacrificing your performance at the office or neglecting your kids, spouse, or social life. Now…
There’s 3 Barriers Nearly Every Man Struggle With When Trying To Build A Powerful Physique…
Here’s how to “detour” around these roadblocks quickly and easily so you can jump on the highway to your strongest and most muscular body…
After turning 30, low testosterone tracks men down like a heat-seeking missile ready to explode on impact.
It’s not a matter of “if”… but when.
And most gym-goers unknowingly speed up the process…
And destroy their testosterone levels for the sake of a “good workout.”
In reality, you’re overtraining your body. And practically throwing your male hormones in the trash…
I’ve been there. You see, gaining muscle became more difficult as I got older. So I’d train harder and longer in a desperate attempt to see fast results…
Yet every time I left the gym, I felt like a worthless, empty vessel…
I was tired all day. Couldn’t focus at work. My body and joints would throb. And I didn’t have any drive or passion left for my girlfriend by the end of the night…

Low Testosterone Is Tracking You Down Like a Heat-Seeking Missile Ready To Explode On Impact. And Your Workouts Are Only Speeding Up The Process!
It’s like I’d walked into the gym as a man and left as a ghost floating through the day.
What I didn’t know was my workouts were feeding my cortisol levels. And forcing my body to become catabolic. Ultimately causing muscle loss, lower testosterone levels, fatigue and weakness. Now…
You may not suffer these side effects if you’re on “the juice” like most professional bodybuilders. However, long and grueling workouts are only going to make us “natural guys” look and feel weaker…

Spending hours in the gym will smother your testosterone like a snake coiling around its prey & squeezing tightly…
Maybe not right away…
However, over time the barrage of training on your body will smother your progress…
Like a snake coiling around its prey and squeezing tightly…
Eventually your male hormones will tire-out. And any chance you had of building a muscular body will be crushed.
Because according to a recent study published in Scientific Reports, men with lower testosterone levels suffer from accelerated muscle-loss (1)…
Which is the primary reason most men fail to build muscle as they age despite working out for long hours and eating healthy…
And you’ll not only struggle to build muscle… you’ll also become dead in the pants (2). What I mean is, your sex-drive and ability to “perform” will fizzle out with your testosterone…
Crushing your self-confidence and wrecking the intimacy you once had with your spouse or partner. Eventually, you’ll feel trapped in a weak body with little self-esteem and an “out of order” sign dangling down-below.