“Can This Yale Neuroscientist Discovery Be THE KEY To Burning Off Stubborn Belly Fat–On Autopilot?”
Without Relying on Self-Control and Willpower
Feeling everyone’s eyes burning into me.
I could hear whispering and snickering behind my back.
It was my high school reunion…
… and let’s just say I was bigger than I used to be.
The weight seemed to have just crept on over the years. Pound by pound. Inch by inch.
And now, here I was, being gawked at like some freak show.

I work with global experts to uncover the newest, science-backed fat loss breakthroughs.
Now, the story you just heard is from a client of mine…
And, she has allowed me to share it with you, because although the incident at her high school reunion was traumatic…
… she used that painful humiliation to change… her… life
You see, she went from being overweight, depressed and hating her body…
… to a fit, sexy girl who looks great naked. She, regained all her confidence, dropped 5+ inches from her waistline and became the envy of all her friends.
… without starving herself.
… without dangerous drugs.
… without expensive surgery.
… without sacrificing her favorites foods.
… and without going on any crazy diets.
That’s right. 30 TIMES more powerful and more guaranteed to work than restricting your diet, eating cardboard mealsor sweating bullets on the treadmill.
And today – in this short presentation – you’ll discover how to use the exact same, neuro-slimming method to drop 15, 30 even 50 pounds of unwanted fat from your hips, thighs and tummy…
… even if you’re cursed with a slow metabolism or bad genetics.
… and even if you lack willpower or feel like everything you’ve tried so far has failed.
Here’s a simple, yet devastatingly powerful reason why it’s SO HARD for many of us to lose weight.
You see:
Your Brain Is Subconsciously
Keeping You Stuck at The Exact Same
… no matter how much you exercise.
… no matter how many pills, potions or diets meal plans you try.

Dr. Aamodt calls these brain signals “starvation alerts.”
And these starvation alerts are an ancient survival mechanism from way back when food was scarce and our bodies needed to store excess fat.
However, nowadays, these brain signals are simply wrecking your chances of ever getting the slim, toned and fat-free body of your dreams.
This is why the first few days of a new diet often seem easy.
This is why you can drop 2 or 3 pounds relatively quickly… but THEN it gets harder and harder to eliminate that remaining fat.
You see, at first, you’re still within your “set body weight.”
But, the moment you try to escape this range? Your brain instantly triggers these “starvation alerts” and you’re hit with uncontrollable cravings and an insatiable need for fatty, salty, sugary foods.

… if you’ve ever felt guilty for snacking.
… if you’ve ever felt like a failure for quitting a diet.
… if you’ve ever felt like it’s impossible to lose more than a few pounds…