Attention men and women who are struggling to get the
law of attraction to work for you…
Discover How Something As Simple As “Natural Energy” is Making it IMPOSSIBLE to Manifest Wealth and Abundance (And Instead having the REVERSE EFFECT)
Which means if you’ve been struggling to manifest your deepest desires, whether it’s days, months, or even years…
Please pay close attention to the information below because you’re going to discover it’s NOT your fault …
“Dad…Why are we so poor”? asked my 11 year old son innocently at the thanksgiving dinner table…
“My friend at school said that being poor means you’re a bad person,” he continued…
In front of my in-laws and my wife’s extended family no less….
A sudden heat swarmed my body…
Blushed with embarrassment…
Trying to keep my cool and gather my thoughts…
“We’re not poor” I replied…
I was lying through my teeth in an attempt to save face..
…And EVERYONE at the table knew it.
I glanced at my wife… and could immediately see the humiliation written on her face…

Everyone else just stared at me…
Finally after what seemed an eternity but was more like 10 seconds…
The hushed silence was broken…
Allowing me to hide away in my soup with my pride shattered…
Over the next hours I couldn’t stop thinking about what my son had said.
I didn’t want to think about it… But I knew that being poor was my fault!
Every time I looked into my beautiful wife’s eyes… I could see the disappointment..
I mean she didn’t marry me to become a millionaire or anything…
But she sure didn’t deserve more than what I was giving her…
And now the kids were getting old enough to know how things were…
I was 31 years old- 3 kids Alex, Tommy & Samantha…
Squeezed into a 890 square foot 2 bedroom apartment…

After rent and utilities were paid I was left with $122 a month… So I had to take low paying odd jobs and work late just to get by… let alone thrive.
I was a “Deli Boy” at the local supermarket, I was a retail clerk at a major electronic retailer (I hated this job), I was a landscaper (at least I kept in shape), I was a Pest Control Inspector, and I was a homeware Salesman (fired after one month)
My wife quit her minimum wage job because I told her I had this new super fancy job and that she didn’t need to work anymore… We were worse than stone broke.
It’s embarrassing for me to admit but we were so bad off…
That one time the church took up a special collection to help us pay our rent… (remember this, because this is the first time I ever used the concept of attraction)…
That night after Thanksgiving my wife sat me down and gave me the best advice I’d ever received…
At the time I didn’t realize this moment would inspire me to change the direction of mine and my family’s life…
In a nutshell here is what she said…
“I support you in anything you do… you know that right?”
“Al, never settle for anything less than what you deem perfect for you”.
Years later my wife’s inspirational words have always been close to my mind…
Slowly I started to piece things together.
I started to associate with individuals who could mentor me and show me where my mental focus needed to be.
I was so hungry, I would drive anywhere at any time to learn a tid-bit here, an idea there.
And it was my wife who gave me the courage to make my own way…
To chase and manifest the life that was PERFECT FOR ME…
Now, I would like to say everything since that evening at the Thanksgiving table has been a piece of cake… but let’s be honest…Life can be brutal…
But what I can tell you right now… Is that you can tap into something called “abundance on demand”
So you are manifesting mountains of cash money… beautiful dream homes… memorable vacations… incredible job opportunities
… and even long-lasting relationships filled with love and intimacy all seemingly on autopilot…
And I have seen “Abundance on Demand” work in as little as 48 hours.
If you’re finding life tough…
…If the bills are piling up…
And there’s NEVER ENOUGH SPARE CASH leftover to purchase all those things that bring a beaming smile to your face…
You first must know that it’s not your fault…
And second, that there is an easy way out…a ticket to a brand new exciting life.
So stick around because you don’t want to miss this…
Have you ever noticed when you want to win something badly? Like at the casino or the lottery… you never ever win?
But when you really don’t care or give a darn you always win?
When your dreams don’t go to plan it can feel like the universe is ignoring you…
How does it make you feel?
Disappointed, Frustrated, Confused, Depressed or Angry?
When I ask my clients that question these are the typical responses…
And I know this is how I used to feel…
Sometimes it is easier to just let misery take over YOUR MIND…
Give up on your dreams and accept that’s just how the chips fell for you…
But is that what you truly want?
A life of financial burden?, a life without a purpose?, a life where nothing falls IN YOUR FAVOR?
What if there was a better way?
An effective way to say “damn it!!! I WANT IT ALL!!!”
The problem is less than 1% of people know about them.. and even less know how to make it work for other people…
Good news is I’m recognized as one of them … Now to be sure… This is so much more than breathing… So sit back and let me share it all with you…
Here’s how to make the impossible in your life… Possible…