- 5 Easy Tips & Tricks That Will Help You Achieve A Normal Skin Balance
- 1. Get enough sleep
- 2. Hydrate your skin from the inside out
- 3. Don’t forget about sunscreen
- 4. Keep your phone clean
- 5. Mind the shower temperature
- I truly believe this formula will change your LIFE !
- 100% NATURAL
- 100% SAFE
5 Easy Tips & Tricks That Will Help You Achieve A Normal
Skin Balance

My name is Dr. Ally Ray.
I’ve been a hepatologist for over 15 years at one of the biggest hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio. One unfortunate event in my family led me to study and research anything related to skin scare and renewal. I like to think this research helped not only my family, but to anyone who is interested in maintaining a healthy skin.
Seeing as I’ve gathered mountains of knowledge, I am ready to share it with the world. Because everyone deserves a better-looking skin, whether you’re a woman or a man.
You see, in the constant emergence of skincare products and trends, the quest for a better-looking skin seems to be never ending. And while some acne, breakouts and even sunburns might be normal, we are always looking for ways to get our skin back to normal.
To help you maintain a healthy and glowing skin, I’ve put together 5 tips and tricks that could set you on the right path to a perfect skin. Let’s see what they are:
1. Get enough sleep
Stress is one of the factors that may affect skin. And when you don’t get a break for it, the results could be disastrous. So make sure you get enough sleep – at least 8 hours every night. During a sleep cycle, the body recovers itself from daily stress and when you cut short those hours of sleep, the skin could age prematurely. On the other hand, I’m sure you noticed how after a good night’s sleep you wake up with fresh-looking skin. So make sure you get at least 8 hours of rest per night.
2. Hydrate your skin from the inside out
Drinking at least at least eight to ten glasses of water a day can really make a difference. Or, if you prefer something sweeter, I recommend around five servings of fresh fruits or vegetables.
3. Don’t forget about sunscreen
It’s been widely known and accepted that prolonged sun exposure could wreak havoc on the skin. So if you must really be in the sun, I recommend you apply a good sunscreen on your skin. Try to find something with an SPF of 30 and above so you won’t have to reapply it that often during the day.
4. Keep your phone clean
Yes, you read that right. Your phone is the perfect breeding ground for tons of bacteria. When coming in contact with one’s face, these bacteria can cause nasty breakouts. So try to always make sure you have a small bottle of disinfectant on hand. Keeping your phone clean could also improve the state of your skin.
5. Mind the shower temperature
It’s very tempting to just stay in the shower for dozens of minutes at a time. There’s nothing as calming and refreshing as having that stream of hot water hit your face. In reality, all you need is 5-10 minutes of a lukewarm shower. Try to avoid using very hot water on your skin because this could lead to excessive dryness and even rashes.
I truly believe that these 5 easy tricks could help you improve your skin and even your general wellbeing.
That’s why I plan to help as many people as possible. So what I did was perfect an easy yet powerful formula, which consists of amazing herbs such as Chanca Piedra, ginger, burdock root, beetroot or artichoke.
I truly believe this formula will change your LIFE !
And I will be more than happy to share it with anyone who needs it.
That is why, with the help of my medical connections, I managed to create a natural skincare formula that is available for everybody.
Before turning this formula into a supplement, I made sure that it is:

mixing ingredients in the right way and in the right amount to keep their properties intact

with ingredients sourced from local growers that let plants naturally reach their full maturity and use no chemical treatments

100% SAFE
processed under strict sterile standards with regularly disinfected equipment